Saturday, December 28, 2019

Effective Time Management Managing Your Time - 1032 Words

Effective Time Management Effectively managing your time will enable you to work more efficiently and do more to further the bottom-line objectives of your company. As a manager, the use of your time is critical in order to carry out your many duties and responsibilities. This Origami Warrior Life Lessons - Basic Management Skill article on Time Management will enable you to become a more effective manager for yourself, and for your organization. You will learn how to better manage your time, which will help you achieve your overall goals. What Should You Expect We will not be able to explore every facet and component of time management. Rather, we will focus on the major principles of effective time management including planning and†¦show more content†¦Although not a difficult task, it takes time to reflect upon your duties and responsibilities. Make time for this. It will save you time in the long run. Begin all new projects, responsibilities, or tasks with a planning session. Ask yourself: o What tasks need to be done. o When should they be completed. o Besides myself, who else will need to be involved, can this be delegated, if so to whom, etc. o How much time will each project require. o What part of my duties and responsibilities are fixed and routine. o What intermediate steps need to be completed. Not only should new work begin with a planning session, but all on-going work needs to be reviewed, evaluated, and re-planned. Schedule planning time every day. Plan your day the first thing in the morning, as soon as you arrive at work or the previous day the last thing you do at work before leaving for home. When defining your work load, be aware of four points: First, is the task really your responsibility? Don t fall into the trap of taking on others responsibilities. You may be able to route the task or project to those who are more responsible for it in the first place, thereby freeing up time for those tasks and projects you are definitely held responsible for. At the very least, you may be able to share the project with others, thereby splitting the work load in half. Channel projects to others who have responsibility forShow MoreRelatedWhat Does Time Management Mean?1111 Words   |  5 PagesEffective Time Management Throughout years of experience with balancing school, work, and family affairs; learning how to manage your time effectively can become a bit time consuming. The benefits however are well worth the effort it takes to master time management. Time management consists of three major components motivation, flexibility, and organization. At times juggling these components can become overwhelming and stressful for those individuals who are not under usual time constraints. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Contraceptive Methods And Sterilization Procedures...

The availability of contraceptives following the recent birth control mandate, there are still some issues concerning about what exactly will be covered. Currently according to Affordable Car Act (ACA), health insurance companies is supposed to provide birth control methods with no co-payment requirements. The new ACA law makes preventive care more accessible and affordable to millions of Americans. It is especially important to women, who are more likely to avoid needed health care, including preventive care, because of cost. In order to have access to preventive health care and to address cost barriers under the new ACA law, the birth control mandate allows women with health care insurance to receive contraceptives without the cost of any co-payments as a part of preventative medical services. â€Å"This includes all FDA-approved contraceptive methods and sterilization procedures prescribed for women including oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices, implantable devices, barrier methods, and emergency contraception, but not abortifacients† (Kraemer, 2014). However, group health plans sponsored by certain religious employers, and group health insurance coverage provided in connection with such plans, are exempt from the requirement to cover contraceptive services for women. Under these circumstances, women would have to pay for out of pockets for their birth control. The new mandate does not outline how surgical procedures will be handled, whether the woman will have to payShow MoreRelatedShould drug addicted mothers be sterilized ?2460 Words   |  10 PagesMothers be Sterilized? Sterilization is the surgical process after which a person can no longer reproduce. The process in permanent and irreversible. It is a choice for people but laws are considering to enforce it on the unfortunate group of drug-addicted mothers. The drug-addicted mothers are wholly held responsible for the Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS), a group of problems that a new born has to face because the mother was dependant on illegal or prescribed drugs. The baby becomes addictedRead MoreThe History of Birth Control and Society Essay1997 Words   |  8 Pagescocktails to cause abortion, and animal dung cocktails as spermicides. When those measures failed, women turned to abortions. (Rengal intro ix) Humankind has been trying to have sex without pregnancy since ancient times. 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Of every 100 women whose partners use withdrawal, 27 will become pregnant each year if they dont always do it correctly(withdrawal, 2014). When not used correctly the effectiveness decreases. Men that are unable to predict when ejaculation is about to occur increase their chances of getting their mates pregnant. With this method all you need to obtain it is a partner that is able and willing to do withdrawal method. Nurse teachings should include effectivenessRead MoreDescription Of Campus Or Community Resource Essay2282 Words   |  10 Pagescontraception and human reproduction from being publicized. 10. List all of the sexuality-related services this resource provides and thoroughly describe each of these services (keep numbering included below). a. STD/STI testing for both men and women- If you think you may have been exposed to an STD or STI, you can get tested at Planned Parenthood. At Planned Parenthood, STD/STI testing is low cost or no cost depending on your insurance. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Is Summer Reading Really Necessary free essay sample

Towards the end of the School year many students begin to look forward to their 3 month Summer vacation. It’s the time where they can hang out with friends, laugh and catch up with some sleep. One thing students don’t look forward to is an 8 letter word that makes them sough, homework. The Summer Reading in Port Richmond High School requires students to read 2 books and create a journal for each one. Some students believe Summer Reading is necessary while others don’t. School Librarian, Mrs.Makler said â€Å"I believe [Summer Reading] is important [because it will] keep the students mind engaged during the Summer. †   While one student who chose to remain anonymous said â€Å"It’s completely unnecessary, that’s why we have school, it’s my summer vacation, it’s time to relax and vacate. Not time to do homework. † When students were asked if they did their Summer Reading some answers were very surprising while others seemed reasonable. We will write a custom essay sample on Is Summer Reading Really Necessary? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page â€Å"[I did my homework] because I had no choice and wouldn’t be able to pass the test when they give it in the beginning of the school year† said Aida Sproul from the Leader Ship house.Aisha E. Carson, a Gateway senior also replied saying â€Å"No, I had a summer job and I was more focused on that [and less] on books that were uninteresting. †Ã‚  There were few students who simply said they â€Å"had no money†. However when reminded that the libraries were open every day and money wasn’t a problem. One student replied â€Å"If I have no money for a book, what makes you think I have money for a metro card† while another replied â€Å"I was too lazy some days and too busy on the days I wasn’t† Whether financial or not there were other excuse to why students didn’t read their books. I only read a part of the book because it didn’t interest me at all. I read the first few pages and closed the book† said a Gateway senior. Another student mentioned how they disliked the Summer Reading because they wanted to read a book that they wanted to. Quadry Bellow and Aisha Carson seem to agree with a similar concept that the gateway senior has. What if students chose the books that they wanted to read? Will more students do their reading or will the statistics remain the same it is now?Quadry Bellow believes â€Å"If [students] picked their own books they would actually read it. It would make it fun† and that he believed â€Å"education and fun go great together. † Aisha E. Carson also agrees by saying â€Å"Yes, students will probably read their books but it can’t be anything immature or stupid. A student from the TV and Media arts department seems to disagree with both their opinions. She believes â€Å"If student’s picked their own books then that’s about 30 to 50 different books that are being read in each English class.How will teachers possibly give out their tests? The kids who chose to not do [their summer reading] obviously don’t care about their grades. If they don’t want to read the book, they should at least go to Sparknotes or Cliffnotes and make some type of effort toward their grade. †    Now while some students may not want to hear it Summer Reading is indeed necessary and very important. Like the students said before, when you do your Summer Reading it will start you off with a great grade in your English class and increase your reading abilities.Based on a three year study at the Dominican University graduate school of Library and Information studies, students who took part in their Summer Reading program improved their reading skills. Also a New York University sociology professor, who spent two years following 3,000 sixth and seventh graders in Atlanta Public Schools, found that children who read at least six books during the summer maintained or improved their reading skills opposed to students who didn’t do any. She also found that students who spent time reading were able to increase vocabulary test scores.Now you may not be 6th or 7th graders but the statistics still apply to you. According to the John Hopkins Center for Summer Learning, statistics show that students can lose up to 25 percent of their summer reading. The Learning center also mentions how â€Å"A conservative estimate of lost instructional time is approximately two months or roughly 22 percent of the school year†¦ It’s common for teachers to spend at least a month re-teaching material that students have forgotten over the summer.That month of re-teaching eliminates a month that could have been spent on teaching new informa tion and skills. †   It’s also been said that students who read actively develop higher-order thinking skills, literary skills, life-long reading habits that continue to their adulthoods, and they engage in class discussions more often. Summer reading is very important and crucial. It would be wise to complete your summer reading so your grades can be the highest it can. Read a chapter a day and it will be over before you know it. | |

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Articles of Confederation Essay Example

The Articles of Confederation Essay The years 1776 to 1787 are often considered to be the most important and fateful when compared to all other epochs of American History: the now self-proclaimed Americans, having rebelled against royal authority, needed to develop a new system of government in order to survive. To accomplish such a feat, they needed a basis on which to establish this new authority. Established in autumn of 1777 and fully ratified in 1781, the Articles of Confederation was Just this. These documents, at best a primitive constitution, were formed to be the basis of the federal government. While erectly serving as such, the Articles of Confederation subjected the united States to a series of problems In both domestic and foreign respects. Increasing In adversity with each aching year, these documents only brought about one good effect: they showed the Americans that a weak and disorganized government like the one during the Articles reign could never work. Regarding structure, the Articles of Confederation, or simply Articles, were relatively bare-bones when compared to the complex constitutions and declarations of government other countries had. It laid out simple and ultimately primitive government: the power of the government was to Ill solely In Congress, a group of delegates from all states. It was to be Congress and only Congress to create laws and run most of the government. This concept did not work well in practice: Congress, the only branch of the government, was weak and unable to bring about policy change for the country. First, all amendments to the Articles required a unanimous vote of all thirteen states something that was quite rare and even the simplest of national laws required a two-thirds majority to be established. We will write a custom essay sample on The Articles of Confederation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Articles of Confederation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Articles of Confederation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This became a major issue. As a new country, a lot of issues were going to come forth to Congress, and due to the bureaucratic rules that were In place, It was difficult for a treaty or policy to be approved. Furthermore, the Articles did not allow for a national judicial system or an executive branch of government to be established. These policies, reflecting the lack of trust and respect for the British courts and monarchs from American politicians, allowed for perpetual and incessant bickering to persist, and also did not give the nation a single, strong leader to trust in. It made the united States a weaker and less Just nation, something that was very much needed In Its Infancy. For these reasons, the Articles, while In effect, made It very difficult for Congress to make any laws or utilize even the slightest of powers. During the eight year period in which the articles dictated American government, many injustices, misdeeds, and problems came to face them on their home land. The Articles damaged the frail union of states, created economic depression, and establish a period of instability for the infant united States. The major problem with he Articles In this respect Is that It gave far too much power to the Individual states. Again reflecting a mistrust of central government the British Empire the states were given special abilities and powers that allowed them to control the face of politics. Eventually, this devolved into state of corruption, wherein the states disrespected the federal government and pursued their own, sole interests. Instead acting as one body of peoples and ideals, they chose to act as if they were still colonies, something that the Articles allowed for. A major issue this brought about deader tax, states such as Rhode Island, as seen in this letter to Congress, decried, it would be unequal in its operation, bearing hardest on the most commercial states. (Document A). Rhode Island, like many other states, believed that that by granting to Congress a power to collect moneys from the commerce of these states, indefinitely as to time and quantity, and for the expenditure of which they are not to be accountable to the states, they would become independent of their constituents; and so the proposed impost is repugnant to the liberty of the United States. Document A). Essentially, it was believed that by establishing a tax to be utilized by the Continental Congress, they would be acting too much like the British, and by doing this they surrender the liberty they had fought so valiantly to grasp. The issue in this is that the states did not have to submit this tax, and in a nod of disrespect to the government, they chose not to; Congress c ould only acquire funds by asking the states for it. By doing this, the states condemned Congress to criticism and debt, thus causing further chaos for the blossoming country. This lack of funds is indicated in a letter to George Washington, sent from a delegate from Virginia: Every class of public creditors must know the inability of Congress to pay their demands, unless furnished with the means by the several States, and the exertions of that body have not been lacking heretofore to obtain the means. (Document C). This not only shows the negative and weak connotation many Americans had for Congress, but also how much power the states truly had. Essentially, the federal government was not to be trusted unless a state was supporting its ambitions financially. As also shown in the letter sent from Joseph Jones to George Washington, another major problem was resulting from the lack of funding: One ground of discontent in the army, and on which they found the opinion that Justice is not intended to be done to them is the delay in complying with their requests for bonuses and back pay (Document C). The soldiers were becoming restless at Congress inability to compensate them for their valorous deeds. This discontent eventually sprouted into something far worse: a complete lack to properly maintain a standing army and navy. In a time where military strength means life or death, this policy was incredibly dangerous. They were only months out of a bloody war with military behemoth Britain, they had perpetual land disputes with mighty Spain, and were under constant threat of attack and annihilation from anyone and from anywhere. And yet, the states did not bother much with this lack of Army, again showing their disregard for the federal government. In fact, they set up and maintained their own militias, which they often utilized for their own self-interests and protection. Adding insult to injury, the Articles gave Congress no authority to interfere with these misdeeds, conflicts which they helped catalyst. Another major issue with the Articles of Confederation was that it did not allow for national intervention in commerce and economy. Being the young and capitalist nation that it was, the United States had issues keeping its trade in order; States would often fight for control of small trades, often going to extremes for a quick buck. Since Congress had no power over national trade, they could not stop this. Thus, trade, the primary source of income of all states, as stifled by these conflicts. States began to draft and establish their own trade policies, placing tariffs and restrictions at their own will. Gradually, commerce began fight tooth and nail for trade, shattering the sense of unwavering union the country had Just months before the Articles of Confederation were ratified. Inflation spread as part of this economic decay, since the value of state printed money, something that was legal under the Articles, decreased, and the federal note was not in use. In 1779, none other than aristocrat George Washington wrote to acting Congressional President John Jay stating that, that a wagon load of money will scarcely purchase a wagon load of provisions. (Wisped). Since Congress essentially had no power to tax, Mr.. Jay and Congress responded to these crises by begging nearly fifty million dollars in funds from the States. In this response, Mr.. Jay appealed that the funds were the price of liberty, the peace, and the safety of yourselves and posterity. (Wisped). The ineffectiveness of the Articles of Confederation become blatantly apparent upon examining domestic American history during its use. It proved to be both harmful and restricting to the Americans who desperately craved wealth, comfort of living, security, and land. The total lack of unity in addition to the weakness of the Army and Navy kept the American government under the Confederation from achieving much in respect to foreign policy. If anything, the United States was set back in attempts to attain respect and instill fear in other countries eyes. It became apparent to Congress soon after the revolution that the Government needed to conduct proper, effective, and authoritative foreign policy. As Thomas Jefferson puts it, There never will be money in the treasury till the Confederacy shows its teeth. The states must see the rod. (Wisped). However, even under this spirit of change and expansion, few positive changes in foreign relations occurred. The issue of most importance in foreign policy was the control of the Mississippi River and relations with colonial rivals Spain and Britain, who posed the biggest threat to American expansion and prosperity in the Midwest and beyond. However, the Articles of Confederation stifled these aspirations. A poorly supplied and practically non-existent Army and Navy, brought about by another weakness of the Articles, made it impossible to flaunt or use power as a means of forcing treaties or making others surrender. The lack of a properly unified country, also caused by other weaknesses of the Articles, made it hard for Americans to act together for one goal. Foreigners would have no reasons to respect them, and thus their wishes. For example, in 1785, the US Minister to the British Empire was ordered by John Jay to, insist that the United States be put, thou further delay, into possession of all the posts and territories within their limits, which are now held by British Garrisons. (Document D). However, the British had no incentive to bow down to theirs wishes: the Americans could not behave them militarily from the frontier posts on US soil, since they had neither the troops nor the funds to do so. John Jay understood this, and further instructed the Minister, Mimi will represent in strong terms the losses which many of our and also of their merchants will sustain if the former be unseasonably and immoderately pressed for he payment of debts contracted before the war. (Document D). Even still, the British did not leave the land they occupied. They did not respect American ideals and boundaries and also realized that Congress really has no way to make them leave whatsoever. Another major defeat in American foreign relations occurred in 1786 that access to the Mississippi River for Americans be denied, and that they should also give up some of its western territories. The Mississippi River was crucial as both a supply route of goods, money, and people to the Western Territories, but also a humbly of American progress, accomplishment, and hope. Although the treaty was never ratified due to its immense unpopularity, its introduction represented something more significant. It showed, as did the incident with the British forts, that the young nation that its carries with its name no respect, and that it needs to improve itself in order to be more effective as a nation in the colonial world it resides in. As time progressed and the weaknesses of the Articles became increasingly apparent, many American citizens were beginning to develop animosity for the infamous documents and rules that dictated how their Government was run. These ideas eventually morphed into actions, and citizens started to actively rebel against their government leaders and protest the misdeeds they believed their rulers were committing. In one particular case, populist and veteran of the Revolutionary War Daniel Shays led a powerful rebellion against the Massachusetts government, which he believed has highly unreasonable tax policies, reasons that ironically parallel those of the American Revolution. His rebellion, while largely effective at conveying is anger, was eventually suppressed, but only by a militia force of three-thousand men. However, it wasnt Just the poorer citizens who were distraught by the Articles of Confederation: John Jay, the Congressional President himself, was unhappy with the Articles. He expressed these emotions to his friend and colleague George Washington, where he revealed, I am uneasy and apprehensive; more so than during the war Yet I did firmly believe we should succeed, because I was convinced that Justice was with us. The case is now altered; we are going and doing wrong, and Hereford I look forward to evils and calamities.. What I fear most is, that the better kind of people.. Ill be lead by the insecurity of property, the loss of confidence in their rulers, and the want of public faith and rectitude, to consider the charms of liberty as imaginary and delusive. A state of fluctuation and uncertainty must disgust and alarm such men, and prepare their minds for almost any change they may promise them quiet and security (Document G). Suggesting its ineffectiveness, many Americans grew to protest and despise the Articles of Confederation, the sole item hat was holding them back as a nation. While the Articles were only in use for a short period of time, its effects were felt for years thereafter. It, while in effect, destroyed the loose union that Americans held, ravished the economy and the military, brought about protests which could have caused another revolution, and generally caused the US to lose respect in the eyes of the world. It was not only entirely ineffective, it was counter-intuitive. The founding fathers based the new country on principles of liberty, prosperity, and security, and yet, they created and deified a document that did Just the opposite of that; the Articles of Confederation provided Americans with a weak and ineffective government, the lack of both an army and a navy, and economic troubles as well. In essence, the Articles proved to be the exact opposite of the kind of government the people of the Revolution dreamed of. However, it was not until the 1787 at the Constitutional Convention, ten years after attempts were made to learn from the mistakes of the past, in turn rectifying them and starting the country over, anew and free from its troubled past.